Friday, December 13, 2013

My New Piercing/ Piercing Guide

So today is Fri. 13th and if you're superstitious.... im sorry, maybe you should just stay home. Me on the other hand I took full advantage of the day. In my area there were three or four tattoo shops doing the $13 for certain tattoos and piercings, I mean how can anyone pass up a deal like that??
well, as you can see, I got my tongue and because it wasn't on the list for $13 I paid for $20 it. But shoot, that's still a great deal. I was gonna get one of my tattoos detailed, but they told me to come back on another day to get that done. lol oh well. Oh yea my good buddy Momo was there too. She was such a trooper in there, getting four piercings in one day. If you read her posts, she'll openly express her love for body modifications.

 Maybe in the future ill up it to a double tongue piercing...maybe. The way i'm going I wont be getting into the military now.

Oh yea, the 2nd part of this post ill put up a mini guide for those for just got one and who are thinking about it.

First off, this is like one of those "get it on a friday or saturday" type things. What I mean by that is once its pierced you have now signed over your comfort level to the said piercing. As soon as I got out of the chair my tongue felt stiff and sore, and that was only the beginning, BUT it'll only be for a week. After that the swelling goes down and you'll be use of the feeling. If you're anything like me you won't want that extra distraction during work or class. 

Now when you get home, I bet the first thing that comes to mind is...What can I eat with a fresh piercing?... Well im here to tell you that you can eat whatever the hell you want!!! lol Whats the catch you say?? .....mouth wash and plenty of water.

 Seriously, what you eat is on you. Most people choose to eat only soft foods like soups, oatmeal, raman etc, because it feels better. I bought chicken nuggets, not really thinking about it and I must say I struggled on those 10 nuggets lol. So the mushy food for me too. From what I gathered, limit yourself on spicy foods, salt, smokes and beer. After every meal get some mouth wash add water and swish!

 Ever heard of Gly-Oxide? This bad boy will slow down scar tissue formation.
Oh and multi-vitamins can also speed up the healing process.

The last thing I wanna'll become a drooler if you don't pay attention haha. Be prepared when people start asking to see your new accessory. 

Thats all for now, I hope I helped out in any way. If you have any questions don't be shy, leave a comment.

   .........Kappuccino Out......
 this is gonna be me tonight haha

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How I Start My Mornings!

Good Morning Everyone!!
Did you sleep well last night? I did, but didnt get much of it lol. Any way on this nice morning i just had the urge to blog about it.

Well if you live in my area its pretty cloudy and wet out side, but thats just the perfect weather for drinking coffee or hot coco or maybe even hot tea. and for the romantic types out there, cuddling.

This is what i use to make my coffee in the morning (yummy)

I love my coffee if you havent already noticed. the sweeter the better....never mind i take that back. Cant be too sweet eww.

lol swear i had a dream like this before 

This post wasnt all that long but just stay tuned for more lol
                                                .....Kappuccino Out....

Monday, November 25, 2013

Anime/Manga Reviews

My third post and this one will go out to all the anime and manga lovers  <3


  OK so have you ever been to the book store or just downloaded a app that allows you to read manga, but don't really know what you want to read (including anime)? I know I have and I thought about it, I know I'm not the only one this happens to, plus who wants to waste time reading or watching something they won't enjoy. So from now on I'll make a review for every anime/manga I read and even the ones I've already read.


 I know we all have our own taste and different preferences, but let me tell you this, ill read almost anything, action, horror, romance, yaoi, yuri, comedy, and it doesn't matter if its a high mature rating or a kiddie rating. The only thing that matters to me is how well the story flows and how the images are drawn. Other then that I am very open to whatever I read. 


STEP 1___You (the reader) comment a request, example *
                             Title: Doubt
                             Author: Tonogai Yoshiki
                             Manga (or anime)

**If a request has not been made by the 7th day after the last post I will randomly choose on my own and review that.

STEP 2___ Lol and of course i'll read or watch the request in order as they come in.

        **After any of my reviews all questions and comments will be welcomed, just mind the rudeness.  

.....Kappuccino Out....

Thursday, November 21, 2013

My Art Style

                    Hi friends! I know I been lazy, but please bear with me. I promise ill do better lol.
So here is my 2nd post, and I decided to make it about my art skillz.
(Done June 2012)
As you can see my style favors the way manga/anime are drawn up. This is one of my main OC by the way. I started drawing when I was in elementary....but thats in the past lol no need to get into that. Pokemon Digimon and Yu-gi-oh were my inspiration back in the day to pick up a pencil and try to come up with my own monsters and designs. Of course they were small and super crapy, but it was also my foundation to what you see now. lol Im proud of my lil deformed monsters because of this.
(Done Aug 2012)
    Another one of my art works. I like this one  more so cause of how I drew her hair.One thing you may notice, if not now in the future, is that I detail the hair more than anything. This picture isnt the best example, but it gets the point across.

     Clothes are another thing I like to detail. Again these two were done last year. I promise ill upload new drawings of mine very soon.
     Leave a comment, tell me what you think so far. Id LOVE to hear from other fellow artist!
                                                        ____Kappuccino Out!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Intro

                                            Hi everyone!! Ok so this is my very first not a blogger in no shape or form, but i had to give this a try you know. Cant live life doing the same old same old right?. Kay so a lil about my self, im a natural african-american chick, fresh into college trying to find herself. Im addicted to sugar so i love ALMOST anything sweet and coffee is just on a whole nother level for me. If you couldnt tell from before (Kappuccino Love), im a huge coffee lover :). Thats the quickest way to my heart lol, that and making me laugh(hint hint). Other things that im into are video games, fashion, art of all kind, music, and culture. The things that i hate?...rudeness and bugs, eww. I mean really, a person being rude is just showing how stupid he/she really is. I also strongly dislike bugs because..............they just creep me out, enough said. Well thats all i can think about oh yeah, i started this blog because of this awesome chick Momo, im sure yall already know her lol follower her!!! THANKS MOMO-chan FOR INSPIRING ME TO BLOG ALL OVER AGAIN!!     

Did i spark your interest?? B on the look out for more post by me!
        ....Kappuccino Out....